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Trail Works, Inc. has received multiple accounts of hikers getting "lost" in the Lockville Historic Canal Park in Newark, NY.

Lockville is one of the 16 designated Wayne County Passport trails and some hikers have been entering and exiting the Lockville trail loop from North Clinton Street at the roadside historic Lock 59 without coming across the Passport rubbing marker they were seeking. Many Trail Works members were baffled by the fact that hikers were not able to find the marker post, as it is distinctly positioned on the west end of the old Lock 58 chamber.

Such hikers were not so crazy after all, Trail Works recently discovered. What was found to be happening was that folks were not making it as far as Lock 58 at all, due to a trouble spot halfway along the trail. The trouble spot is a mowed lawn, at which point a person can cross straight across the lawn onto what appears to be the continuation of the Lockville trail (it is in fact part of the trail, although not the section leading into Lock 58).

Each time this writer visits Lockville, there are noticeable improvements to the site due mainly to the dedication of Lockville Locktender "Jolly" Roger Straub and his enlistees from Trail Works and many other groups from Newark and across Wayne County. My visit today (17-June-2009) seems indicative that hikers will no longer be getting lost in Lockville. A clear trail is now worn across the mowed lawn area; follow the trail from either end (Lyons St. or N. Clinton St.)--look for the telltale orange flagging tape--and you will at some point stumble upon that coveted Passport rubbing marker. Mind the footpaths crossing the mowed grass lawn.


View of Lockville's central mowed area from the WEST (from N. Clinton St. and Lock 59 approach)

View of Lockville's central mowed area from the EAST (from Lyons St. approach)


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