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SUBMITTED by Jim Hoffman, Wayne County Board of Supervisors (11-Dec-2009)

On November 13th I, Huron Supervisor Laurie Crane and Jarad Van Dusen (Wayne County IDA) attended a meeting in Oswego conducted by the New York Power Authority (NYPA) regarding the “Great Lakes Offshore Wind Project”. The NYPA will be soliciting Request for Proposals for wind turbine sites in Lake Ontario and Lake Erie this month. The original announcement for this project was made on April 22nd at which time Requests for Expressions of Interest were solicited, which were due on June 15th. Also included in this project is a site for a manufacturing plant for wind turbines.

Preliminary siting criteria were presented in graphic form depicting potential locations for wind turbine farms in Lake Ontario beginning just north of Sodus and extending further east along the shoreline beyond Wayne County. According to the presenters, the wind turbines would not be closer than two miles from shore with water depth of no more than 150 feet. I have already heard much concern about this project. It will be on the agenda at the Economic Development and Planning Committee meeting this month.

On Tuesday, December 1st, a public hearing was conducted regarding the proposed 2010 County budget. The proposed tax rate for 2010 is $7.82 per thousand, down from $7.94 per thousand in 2009. A county tax rate of $7.82 per thousand is less than the county tax rate that was in effect in 1993. The tax levy, or the total taxes collected to support the 2010 budget, is $35,049,084, which is $17,123 less than the tax levy for 2009 budget. The budget was unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors at the hearing.

On Wednesday, December 9th at 7:00 p.m. there was a public hearing regarding recycling. The current curbside recycling program is administered by the Western Finger Lakes Solid Waste Authority and is subsidized annually in varying amounts through the County Budget. The Board of Supervisors has analyzed costs associated with the current program and developed a proposed law which, if adopted, would require private haulers to pick up recycling materials. Considerations other than cost have been discussed in addition to the cost of privatizing the program. The Board of Supervisors is seeking public input on this important issue.

The end of 2009 marks the completion of my fourth year as Chairman of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors. It has been a thoroughly satisfying experience. I take great pride in representing our county at events in Wayne County and throughout the region. I am grateful for my fellow Supervisors for electing me to this position.

This year we say good bye to Lyons Supervisor Jim Fabino and Palmyra Supervisor Dave Lyon who have served 24 and 18 years respectively on the Board. They both have distinguished records of public service and will be missed.

We are not sure what 2010 will bring but I believe we are in a better position than many others counties to meet what lies ahead. The 2009 Wayne County Board of Supervisors along with the other elected officials has served the public well. I thank them for the job they have done and the sincere efforts they have made to make Wayne County a better place.

Wayne County employees are the ones who really make a difference. They are the ones you see deliver essential services everyday. The support between elected officials and the county workforce is mutual and is essential if we are to do our best.

I hope you all have the best holiday season possible.


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2 Comments to "Chairman's Column December 2009"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    I think that we can not keep passing the buck on turning from foriegn oil. I would rather have them in the water than a project that scalps the land.

    Posted on Mon Dec 14, 12:28:00 PM EST

  2. Anonymous Said,

    About the wind turbines in our lake: The Dutch have been harnessing the wind for centuries. Today, in Holland, these turbines line the shores along the North Sea. There are hundreds of them as far as the eye can see. They are actually quite beautiful to see, not an eyesore at all. For those concerned with a turbine in their sunset, I would rather see turbines in my sunset than another nuclear power plant. I can see the power plant in Oswego from my house in Sodus and I drive by the one in Ontario every day going to work. At least if a turbine malfunctions an entire population will not be at risk of death by radiation poisoning.

    Posted on Mon Dec 14, 12:38:00 PM EST


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