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SUBMITTED by Peter Evans, Wayne County Historian (8-Jan-2010)

The meeting in Lyons on Thursday, 7 January 2010 was absolutely jammed with 15 or 20 people standing throughout the meeting.

Mayor Corrine Kleisle did a marvelous job handling a meeting which could potentially be unpredictable.

The assembled body of citizens were overwhelmingly in favor of moving ahead with the transfer of the Hotchkiss Building to the Village and the subsequent acceptance of the grant money. Everyone respected the 3 minute speaking limit.

The new, just took office, Lyons Town Supervisor, Brian Manktelow was there to explain why the town did not become part of the property transfer process. The reasons he presented made good sense.

He pledged the full support of the town for the project and the property. He expressed an opinion that maintenance of the property could be handled with NO additional tax payer expense. I believe he is absolutely correct on this point.

I think this will dispel any well considered objection based on any potential additional financial load to the tax payers.

Certainly if the RFP for the restoration work focuses on features such as drainage, foundation, building structure integrity, roof, windows & exterior envelope seal then the building will stand perfectly for another 100 to 200 years without much attention.

These are the big ticket items that can kill the budget of a “not for profit” all volunteer organization…they are also the types of items that are more difficult for volunteers or municipal maintenance crews to address.

After the above, then interior items pertaining to code so the building can accommodate the public.

If these items are addressed then the local historical organization ought to be able to handle periodic painting, roof replacement and interior use modifications which are bound to change over time.

The only remaining big ticket expense item is the care of the grounds, gardens and trees.

These are ideal items for assistance from Town and Village crews and community volunteer groups like a Garden Club that is already active in Lyons.

If this project is handled correctly the long term security of the Hotchkiss Property ought to be totally manageable well beyond our lifetimes. We can only do so much to predict and plan for the future.

I am extremely encouraged.


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5 Comments to "The Hotchkiss Building"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    I doubt that after insurance, future repairs, parking lot maitnance that the future will be tax payer free. Garden clubs come and go as does the menbership. Lyons and Newark should have put up more a fight when super walmart moved in. The true cause of emptying towns.

    Posted on Sat Jan 16, 09:39:00 AM EST

  2. Anonymous Said,

    So are we just supposed to give up because Wal-Mart is here? That is just a defeatist way of thinking. Join the fight to make us something worthwhile instead of bemoaning the fact that Wal-mart is here.

    Posted on Sat Jan 16, 11:51:00 AM EST

  3. Anonymous Said,

    I remember talking with Bill Verdow in his business,Sir Williams Men's Store on West Union St. Newark, one Saturday just before Christmas. The store was empty of customers and Bill said "If we could get 10 inches of snow, and no one can drive to Eastview, maybe I will get some business."
    While it is easy to blame them, Wal-Mart is just like Woolworth's in the 1920's and 30's that drove the local mercantiles out of business. It is called change.

    Posted on Sun Jan 24, 07:52:00 PM EST

  4. Anonymous Said,

    No major upkeep for 100 years, are you kidding. Just goes to show that people will say anything to get their pet projects accomplished. If this was true why would the county turn the building over? So please all of you who want to spend other people's money please put things up for a vote to trully get the people's opinion or is this not done because you probably know what the people would say?

    Posted on Sun Jan 24, 07:55:00 PM EST

  5. Anonymous Said,

    Walmart is the evolution of the these past giants but, walmart because of buying in numbers kill communities.
    Of course they add a lot of low wage and a very weak health insurance plan to say it has one for its citzens.
    Not to mention take manafacturing jobs to china.

    Posted on Mon Jan 25, 08:59:00 AM EST


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