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SUBMITTED by Vicky Daly, Village of Palmyra (19-Mar-2010)

March 18, 2010

On behalf of the Palmyra Village Board, I invite the residents of the Village of Palmyra to examine the newly passed 2010-2011 village budget. You will find that spending is down in all areas over which we have direct control; revenues are down due to a reduction in the amount of sales tax received through the county, and so is the amount taken from the fund balance to provide some tax relief. An allocation of $12,000 was included for repair of the village hall roof, not the town hall roof, as has been reported.

Those areas over which we have no control – NYS pensions, insurance costs, for example; lower tax receipts and the lesser draw on the fund balance are why the tax levy and the rax rate was increased 2.3%, $.27 per thousand of assessed valuation, or $27.00 on a $100,000.00 assessment. It was prudent to reduce the amount drawn from fund balance, as it is essentially a savings account or an emergency fund. If it is used this year, there will be less for next year and the tax rate could increase much more than the current 2.3%, still below the 2.7% rate of inflation.

The Palmyra Village Hall at 144 East Main Street, Palmyra, is open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The budget is public information and it is available to you if you choose to review it.

Vicky Daly, Mayor
Village of Palmyra


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