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SUBMITTED by John Cieslinski, Books ETC. of Macedon NY (27-May-2010)

A community exists when people are connected and share common social needs—religion, political, child rearing, business. Sociologist Ray Oldenburg states in The Great Good Place that people need three places: the home, the office, and the community hangout or gathering place. The village offers that gathering place—a place to meet neighbors and friends—a place that gives identity.

People who live in the town often count on the village for places to meet neighbors. The town is a very large area and the people who live in one corner of the town often never meet people who live in a different corner. The village is that center area where all elements in the community can meet on common ground.

Each community has specific needs to go along with the specific people who live there. There is the need to keep people safe--safe from criminal activity as well as safe from natural disaster. There is a need to discuss leadership and municipal projects and economic development. A multitude of needs for the area is often better viewed when there is a strong center.

In this time of fast food and anti-government sentiments, many people have begun to feel that a village might be superfluous. However, there are many reasons for keeping the village. These are often intangibles that money can’t buy. They include such qualities as history, neighborhoods, small business center, and central facilities.

History gives a unique perspective to each place. When there is only a town, often there is little interest in the local history because there is no central place to promote it. This is the focal for the pride on the whole place. Very few towns have centers, crossroads maybe, but no way to focus the energy of the large tract of land that makes up this political entity. The village gives a focal point.

Many authors, psychologists and philosophers have noted how humans have two opposing needs—roots and wings. “Wings” is the need to fly, to travel and see the world—the need to be totally free. The other need is “roots,” the need to be firmly grounded, to have family identity and to be able to tell people your origin.

When we meet people, we tell them we are from “The Big City” or from “a small village”. The place we are from lets others know our values and helps to give us an identity. People from New York City think differently from those raised in Macedon. People from a large city often have a global view and small village life with its intimate setting can leave them a little vulnerable and even anxious. Village people often feel alienated and “lonely” in a big city setting. When there is only a town, there is often no sense of identity.

I believe there is a new sense of pride in Macedon. The town and the village should work together for the betterment of both. We are now in the process of building a great community in Macedon. We all join. What happens next will be magical.


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2 Comments to "Keeping Community: Macedon"

  1. Marcy Frey Said,

    That was beautiful, John! Thank you for supporting the village and all we are doing to provide that identity to its neighborhoods. There is so much history in the Village of Macedon. We are just starting to move through the plans to make our village "The Great Good Place". It will be magical! We have new people with true "vision" working hard on this village and I absolutely believe we will have a new identity soon. Thank you for your support!

    Posted on Tue Jun 01, 08:03:00 AM EDT

  2. Seth C. Burgess Said,

    I'm looking forward to the things to come in Macedon!

    Posted on Wed Jun 02, 12:15:00 AM EDT


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