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SUBMITTED by Lee Mikewicz, Village of Newark (4-May-2010)

4th Annual Newark Community Pride Day on Saturday, 8 May 2010


9:15 AM to 10:00 AM

Meet in parking lot on south side of T. Spencer Knight Canal Park, across from Village parking lot for donuts and beverages prior to cleanup start. Get cleanup assignment and instructions.

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Cleanup throughout the Village primarily along the canal trails and banks, streets, parking lots, sidewalks and parks (depending on number of volunteers). Sites of most concern are being determined.

We will be contacting the schools to see if they would be interested in having students assist in the main cleanup, help with private property cleanup for residents who may need assistance in taking care of their property, or going up and down Village Streets collecting debris.

Service agencies will also be contacted for their support.

We are asking businesses to at least clean around their buildings and at most become a "sponsor" for our event. Each year we have seen outstanding support of this event in our community. Thank you again for your help. Sponsors are asked to donate food, refreshments, supplies, workers or services that could be used during the cleanup. Monetary donations are also accepted to help in covering ancillary costs to put on the event.

1:00PM to 3:00 PM

Food and refreshments will be served at the Alex Eligh Community Center. Civic pride and the spirit of teamwork were on display last year as the crew in excess of 100 volunteers freshened up the landscape. As in the past, I will be talking the event up to local newspapers and the local television news agencies. Sponsors will be mentioned prominently in any article that is written about this event.

For any questions or suggestions, please contact me (Lee Mikewicz) at 331-4773 (extension 114) or if that is busy, 331-4770 (fax 331-9767). My e-mail can also be used (lmikewicz@villageofnewark.com). When using the e-mail, please include address and phone number for contact purposes. Thank you in advance for your support.


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1 Comment to "Newark Community Pride Day 2010"

  1. Seth C. Burgess Said,

    Newark's Community Pride Day has been postponed by Village officials due to Saturday's expected weather.

    The event will be re-scheduled.

    Posted on Fri May 07, 09:52:00 AM EDT


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