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SUBMITTED by Jerry M. Ashley, Lyons Main Street Program (14-May-2010)

Peppermint Days is just around the corner and in celebration of the 20th Anniversary, the Lyons Main Street Program asks you to "Paint the Village Peppermint!" Starting 15 June 2010 and extending to 15 July 2010, decorate your home or business in red and white to support and promote Peppermint Days.

Haul out your red and white holiday lights...drag out your plastic candy canes and peppermint disks...buy some red and white candy-striped material and drape it on your porch or over doorways and windows... bathe your home in red or white spotlights--use your imagination!

Prizes will be awarded to the best business and residence and judging will be 1 July 2010 (if you are outside the populated area of Lyons and wish to participate, give us a call so we don't miss you!). Should you need additional information, stop by the LMSP office (70 William Street) or give us a call 315-871-4220 (email lyonsmainstreetprogram@gmail.com).


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8 Comments to "Paint the Village Peppermint!"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Mr. Ashley how about spending more time on your job, getting stores opened downtown, then worring about taxpayers decorating our homes. I believe this is your second year and I also believe that gives you one more year before the end of the program unless you start showing results.

    Posted on Wed May 19, 02:37:00 PM EDT

  2. Anonymous Said,

    Dear Mr. or Mrs Anonymous,
    What do you think will draw these businesses in? What separates us(Lyons)from the towns and villages to the east and the west of us? We NEED to be supportive of ALL our events because no business will come to a village where there is no life, no activity and no buzz. What the Lyons Main Street Program has been doing is working on changing the negative stereotype that Lyons has gained in the past. I cannot speak for Mr. Ashley, but i can only assume that it is more than a little destructive to that effort, when people such as yourself are constantly so negative towards any effort being made on the behalf of Lyons. Should the program only have one year left, if I were you, I would do ANYTHING in my power to keep that program alive, because whether or not you see it.... it's keeping Lyons alive.
    a supportive citizen

    Posted on Thu May 20, 11:14:00 AM EDT

  3. Andi Evangelist Said,

    Here it is, "Supportive Citizen", "Anonymous" doesn't give a hoot about much more than rattling chains and finding fault with whatever projects/people/events with which it can find fault. "Anonymous" probably never volunteers to do anything to help its church, school, local government, village and/or town. It probably never writes a letter of support for a project, writes a letter of thanks to the many people and groups who work hard to improve their churches/schools/communities/etc., contributes a dime to support a church/organization/project or thinks to offer a hand of assistance to anyone or any group. "Anonymous" just sits back and complains about anything and everything and loves to stirr up trouble. I could be totally wrong about its motives, but am probably right on the money. One thing I know for certain is that "Anonymous" shows gutlessness by complaining, making veiled threats and then not signing its name.
    To Jerry Ashley and the other hard working volunteers and civic-minded people that we are lucky enough to have living in Lyons—just remember:
    People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
    If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
    If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
    If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
    What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
    If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
    The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
    Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
    In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

    Posted on Thu May 20, 11:40:00 AM EDT

  4. John Zornow Said,

    I would like to see anonymous comments banned from this blog.
    Otherwise is will turn into a digital sidewalk talk.

    Posted on Thu May 20, 01:15:00 PM EDT

  5. S Rice Said,

    I am from Clyde but can see the positive difference in Lyons. If you would like to see
    stores in your community it might be good if you dropped the negative attitude and do something
    that would help to make this happen. Pointing fingers never works. Shopping locally is often a good start.

    S. Rice

    Posted on Thu May 20, 04:36:00 PM EDT

  6. Anonymous Said,

    I believe that both sides of a story need to be represented or it is simple a back patting medium. Which is worthless
    Whether you like it or not the only way to build a village is around great schools!! That makes people you want move in or away. This is the center of a good village where real citzens live and thrive. I have a hard time believing that Lyons will be the next saratoga but, the foundation is there(volunteers). Tourism seem sceptical in my eyes.

    For those that call themselves republicans this is Lyons stimulus plan. I guess you believe in it. I will wait and see.

    Posted on Thu May 20, 04:44:00 PM EDT

  7. Anonymous Said,

    In reading all comments not sure what the negative attitude refferred to in comment 5 is. Comment 6 mentions the republicans in Lyons. If there are republicans in Lyons they should remember that true republicans believe in lower taxes wich certainly isn't reality in Lyons, but I keep hoping.

    Posted on Mon May 24, 10:02:00 PM EDT

  8. Anonymous Said,

    what services would you cut to lower cost!!!I believe this anti gov. feeling is without deep thinking. knee jerk

    Posted on Tue May 25, 10:33:00 AM EDT


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