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SUBMITTED by Mark De Cracker, Lyons Chamber of Commerce (23-Jul-2010)

Yesterday I was in Lyons for the flag raising for the Flotilla for the World Canal Conference in Rochester in 2010. In September a flotilla of boats will be stopping in Lyons. On the way back to my car I ran into "Peppermint Patty" who was giving a tour for a couple from Belgium. Here are some photos and a video I took yesterday. Just think how many people will be stopping in when the trail is complete across Wayne County?



 Touring cyclists in G. Winston Dobbins Park

Collecting samples from the Hotchkiss Mint Garden in Lyons, New York 

Inspecting the various mints found behind the historic Hotchkiss Building

 Pressed mint leaves as a souvenir from the stop in Lyons

 Continuing the bike tour west from Lyons toward Newark

 Flag-raising for Rochester's World Canal Conference flotilla, which will be passing through Lyons

 2010 World Canal Conference flag

 Visitors from Belgium in front of the H.G. Hotchkiss mural

 Cyclists stop to view the colorful Hotchkiss mural in Lyons

Bart VanDewalle and Sara Wastijn of Belgium


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11 Comments to "From Belgium to Lyons"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Lets be realistic a trail along ther canal is not going to bring people to Lyons. I have walked along the trail in Newark for exercise and to be honest it is not a pleasant walk. It is way to secluded to feel totally safe, mosquitos galore, and you can tell the spots where kids use it to party (would do the same if I was young again). If I wanted to walk any distance I would walk along 31 anytime before I walked a canal path. By the way most of the time on the path in Newark you cannot even see the canal because of weeds and bushes.

    Posted on Sun Jul 25, 12:35:00 PM EDT

  2. Videomark Said,

    I found this in an old E.R.I.E. newsletter from 1996.

    Tourist are ready to pour thousands if dollars into local economies, said Ric Luber, President of the Greater Rochester Visitors Association. The words Erie Canal are magic to foreign visitors who study the canal in their classes in school, he said. After visiting the bright lights of Broadway, foreign visitors turn their sight Upstate. They believe sailing on the Erie Canal is one of the high points of a visit to the United States, Luber said.

    Posted on Sun Jul 25, 12:52:00 PM EDT

  3. Anonymous Said,

    Post 2.
    Sailing on the erie canel? That shows a lack of understanding for sailing and the canal. Mr. Luber should know better.

    I do believe a trail system is a great idea and that the canal can bring some tourism that will help spike local economies but, I question whether enough to place signifacant tax dollars into.

    Posted on Sun Jul 25, 01:07:00 PM EDT

  4. John Zornow Said,

    Dear Anonymous, Lighten up already. The term "sailing" can apply to any craft, whether sail or power. i.e. New York May 3 1912- In a state of near collapse, J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the International Mercantile Marine, sailed for England yesterday on the White Star Liner Adriatic. He made only this brief statement to the newspaper men....

    Posted on Sun Jul 25, 01:27:00 PM EDT

  5. Anonymous Said,

    Mr. History: I doubt it would be said, I went sailing on the Ocean Liner. Saying you can go sailing in the canal does not sound right from a tourism director. Misrepresents the opportunities on the canal leading to disappointment.

    I am now going to take by blow up raft and go sailing in my pool.

    Posted on Sun Jul 25, 01:47:00 PM EDT

  6. Anonymous Said,

    Mr. History is right. I googled the term "sailing" and it is used for the big liners of today. Guess that is why they call him Mr. History.
    By the way, did you say you would rather hike Rt 31 than take the trail through Newark? Would Wal-Mart be the reason?

    Posted on Sun Jul 25, 02:03:00 PM EDT

  7. Anonymous Said,

    wrong Mr. Lighten Up or is that Light in the shoes!!! read more closely. I some times do sail into a walmart for some roll backs. I like a good deal.

    Definition: Sailing
    Sailing is the art of controlling a boat with large (usually fabric) foils called sails. By changing the rigging, rudder, and sometimes the keel or centre board, a sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails in order to change the direction and speed of a boat. Mastery of the skill requires experience in varying wind and sea conditions, as well as knowledge concerning sailboats themselves.

    While there are still some places in Africa and Asia where sail-powered fishing vessels are used, these craft have become rarer as outboard and modified car engines have become available even in the poorest and most remote areas.

    I believe cruising on the Erie Canal would be more proper as a tourism director attracting people to the canal.

    Posted on Sun Jul 25, 02:24:00 PM EDT

  8. Seth C. Burgess Said,

    Interesting discussion--I'm pretty sure we don't need to get hung up on the textbook definition of sailing however. It is enough to learn that the term is in fact used loosely outside of the dictionary context.

    The point about the the phrase "Erie Canal" being magical to foreign visitors is a good one. It shows that this aspect of New York's past is a piece of world history.

    And it's interesting to know that someone would rather walk Rt. 31 than a scenic canal path--how about a better hybrid with more frequent spurs from the more comfortable (on the feet) canal path into areas of the village? Done right, shouldn't the canal path be preferred to walking or biking along a major driving route?

    Posted on Sun Jul 25, 07:50:00 PM EDT

  9. Anonymous Said,

    Scenic Canal path? Just curious what has been your longest walk along the canal. I too on occasion walk the path in Newark and the scenic views are of trees, bushes, weeds, bugs, snakes and when you can see the canal you see brown dirty water. I have nothing against a path but in these times tax payers have reached their limit and we need to start saying we cannot afford it. Thanks for listening.

    Posted on Mon Jul 26, 11:44:00 AM EDT

  10. Anonymous Said,

    sailing through the different comments...just did not like the wording to people from downstate as I would think I could truly sail the canal..False advertising. I personally like the walk along the canal and is a community asset for us.

    Maybe Video Mark shold start a business with a dinner barge boat with real mules on each side pulling. He a good old worker and a good old pal fifteen miles sailing on the earie canal!!!

    Posted on Mon Jul 26, 12:10:00 PM EDT

  11. Anonymous Said,

    Take a trip to Newark on August 31, or Palmyra on September 2, and you see the "Lois McClure" an 1800's replica of a sailing canal boat.

    Posted on Wed Jul 28, 09:54:00 AM EDT


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