Please stop by and enjoy the quaint and traquil Town of Galen and the Village of Clyde during our annual festival. Stop and see old friends and meet new ones. We will admit that we are going through a transformation in the village and are in the process of getting new businesses in. Come see the decorated store fronts filled with photos and displays of Clyde history. While you are here stop in and see our merchants and visit our fine eateries. Below you will find an itinerary of our festival. We hope to see you there and we hope you will visit again soon.
Clyde Community Festival Itinerary
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
- Ziti Dinner at Fire Hall 5pm to 7pm
Thursday, 12 August 2010
- Farmer's Market, Car and Tractor Show begins at 4pm
- Kiddie Parade at 7pm
- Band Concert at 8pm
** Rides, Games and Vendors are open at the Fairgrounds.**
Friday, 13 August 2010
- Queen's Contest at 6pm and Band Concert at 7pm in the Village Park
Saturday, 14 August 2010
- Fire Dept Waterball Contest at 10am at the Fire Hall
- Annual Wayne A Frisinger Memorial 5K Road Race, Registration begins at 9am at the Village Park Bandstand; Race begins at 10am.
- Carnival Rides One Price 1pm to 5pm at the Fairgrounds
- Firemen’s Parade up Glasgow Street begins at 7pm
- Band Concert in the Village Park at 8pm
- Chicken BBQ on the fairgrounds begins at 10am until sold out.
- Carnval Rides One Price 2pm to 6pm at the fairgrounds
- Band Concert in the Village Park at 8pm
- Fireworks Display Presented by Young Explosive Corp at 9:30pm
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