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SUBMITTED by Dave Smith (26-Oct-2010)

To the Editor:

I support John Zornow for election to a full term as Trustee for the Village of Newark. I have known John for several years through mutual friends and from his former employment as a local reporter and photographer. John is a no nonsense type of guy who isn’t afraid to think for himself or to voice an opinion on a controversial matter. As a local newsman he had a unique opportunity to view local government operations from a systematic and objective perspective. That experience has also provided him countless opportunities to speak with people and to develop a true sense of public opinion concerning many issues. I believe he will continue to use that knowledge to represent the wishes of his constituents and to exercise true democracy at a local level. John already knows that taxes are a tremendous burden for Newark’s citizens and that they also are an impediment to economic development and local job growth in Newark as well as in the entire state.

Holding the line on taxes by postponing projects and trimming current spending is a logical place to start until the local economy improves. John knows that the underlying problem lies in Albany and beyond, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t act locally. He may not have all the answers, but he has the determination and common sense to see us through these times.

I also have to commend John for his unique idea of donating to the Newark Food Pantry instead of using the money for political signs. That’s a neat idea that demonstrates his ability to think outside of the box. I also admire his philosophy of “running for something” rather than “running against someone”. He is a true asset to village government who is worthy of your vote on November 2nd.


Dave Smith
Newark, NY


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1 Comment to "John Zornow for Newark Village Trustee"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    I concur---Jerry T. Wage

    Posted on Thu Oct 28, 10:07:00 AM EDT


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