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SUBMITTED by Vicky Daly, Village of Palmyra (2-Nov-2010)

Conversation with the Mayor

I was going to begin this column with relief and thanks that the election is over and bemoan the lack of civility, etc,. etc, demonstrated over an inordinately long period of time, but I am not. It’s over, done with, and absorbed entirely too much of our time, attention, and their money. Enough said; we have work to do.

It’s time to get back to reality, which at every single government level, means hard work with a focus of doing the best you can with what you have for the benefit of the people to whom you are responsible. It comes as no surprise that costs continue to rise and that money is short. We know that in our personal lives and it is true in government. Currently the towns are struggling to produce budgets which preserve as many services as possible and at the same time are making a valiant effort to keep taxes under control.

Villages in NYS have a different fiscal year so we will start in mid-December to have our budget ready, and balanced, by late March. The fact that towns and villages are working with different time frames just adds to the difficulty in planning when there is as much collaboration as we have here. The meeting schedule for the 2011-2012 budget will be discussed and likely adopted at the next meeting of the Village Board. Once it is, the list of dates will be published here, on the website, and on our bulletin board. All meetings are public and you are invited to attend. Budget time is my least favorite time of the year. We don’t like to say no to people but we must and I suspect this year we will be saying no a lot.

There are too many costs over which individuals and all governments have no control. On a personal note, my husband and I just received notice that our health insurance costs will be up 14%. I suppose we have a choice, but not realistically. Other things get cut or trimmed back before health insurance. Both personally and on the board level, the distinction between needs and wants has never been more important.

A seasonal note: residents and property owners in the Village Palmyra have received or will soon receive a two sided flyer dealing with village policy on leaf pick up and snow removal from sidewalks. The flyers will be hand delivered except for those being sent to absentee landlords. Please make note of the regulations regarding snow removal, in particular, and the ramifications of not complying. Additional copies of the notice are available in the Village Office during business hours should you need one. The information will also be on the community website, www.palmyrany.com.


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