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Submitted by:  Jerry Ashley

The Peppermint Winter Wonderland Committee is feverishly busy planning the decorations for the Lyons Village Square Park under the chairmanship of Valerie VanStean and the Lyons Main Street Program is putting together a month-long grouping of special events that will celebrate the holidays from Thanksgiving to New Years Day. The Peppermint Winter Wonderland Lighting of the Park will take place on Saturday, November 27th beginning at 5:30 with the LHS Jazz Vocal Ensemble, the lighting ceremony at 6 pm and, of course, a visit from the fat man in red to round out the evening. The Dog Pound mobile hot foods wagon and vendor booths will offer holiday treats and again this year, the Lyons National Bank will host guests in the grand lobby of their headquarters at 35 William Street for cocoa and cookies to ward off winter's chill. The Newark Youth Choir will perform for those gathered at the bank. Speaking of cookies, as one of the first events for Peppermint Winter Wonderland, the Lyons Public Library is sponsoring a Gingerbread House decorating contest for all ages where the entries will be auctioned off to benefit the library. There is no registration or entry fee however, entries must be delivered to the library by noon, Monday, November 29th. Winners will be determined by the number of "vote" tickets each entry receives (voting tickets are purchased 5 for one dollar). For a complete list of rules, contact the library at 315-946-9262 or by email at lyonslibrary@owwl.org.
The Light Up Lyons Holiday Lights Parade will step off at 5 pm, Saturday, December 4th for its second annual trip through downtown Lyons. The theme for this years parade is "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" and the LMSP encourages creativity and humor when groups or individuals are putting together their entry for this years parade. The LMSP hopes to see lots of lights and fun holiday music (think the Whos in Whoville from the movie version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas!) as well as unusual lit mobile and vehicular entries. Choral groups are encouraged to light candles or deck themselves out with battery operated lights and walk the parade route singing songs of holiday jubilation. Prizes will be awarded for the Best Overall Entry and the Best Use of Lights. This year, the Light Up Lyons Holiday Lights Parade will have a "Holiday Hound-dog" contingency where the family pooch can be adorned with lights and walked on a leash or ensconced on a home-made, wagon-based "float". A prize for the merriest of mutts will be awarded to the best canine entry. Interested groups or individuals may register for free by contacting the LMSP offices. Come early to shop in downtown Lyons or at the Museum of Wayne County History's Holiday Boutique (Dec. 3rd-5th). Have a bite to eat at the Dog Pound at the park and stay for the fun.

The Ohmann Theatre will present a special holiday showing of The Sound of Music at 2 pm on Sunday, December 12th for a general admission of $3.00 per person. Come dressed as your favorite character or line from Sound of Music song (i.e. "Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes"- use your imagination!) and singing along with the music is more than encouraged. Bring the family or gather up some of your friends and join us for what is sure to be a seasonal treat.

Two brand new events have been added to this years line-up of holiday festivities and the first pays homage to our French namesake, Lyon. Each year Lyon hosts the "Fete des Lumieres" (Festival of Lights) and all of their businesses and residences go all out with lighting to brighten up the cold, dark winter skies. Beginning December 3rd and continuing through December 12th, the LMSP is asking all Lyons residents, regardless of religious convictions, to light up their home for those 10 days with either spotlights washing their home or business, candles in the windows, lights in trees, on houses, luminaries lining your sidewalks and drive - be clever! The idea is that Lyons will begin a new tradition that can be built upon each year and by starting this year, Lyons can get the first year of building under its belt. The goal is to draw our regional neighbors to come to Lyons to see the lights while encouraging them to shop in Lyons' stores and eat in Lyons' restaurants. The French have been building this festival since 1852 (yes, eighteen-fifty-two!) and it has progressed to what it is today - a highly technical display using all types of theatrical lighting sources splashing across buildings both old and new - it brings tourists from all over the world to see the dramatic displays of color and light. Where they have the benefit of time on their side, this is something that is fun and easy for all to do and it will help put Lyons on the "holiday lights tour" map! To see how Lyon, France trips the lights fantastic, check out this website:

The second new event, for the first time ever, is the Steps of Faith Missions Team, housed in downtown Lyons, partnership with the Lyons Community Center to present a ballet and modern dance recital entitled "Let Earth Receive Her King" on Friday and Saturday nights, December 17th and 18th at 7 pm and a 2:30 pm matinee performance on Sunday, December 19th in the LCC gymnasium. The ticket prices for the performance are $5.00 for adults, $4.00 for seniors and $3.00 for children 12 and under and benefits the LCC and the Steps of Faith Missions Team, both not-for-profit organizations. Choreographed by Rachel Platt especially for this presentation, and narrated by Diane LaValley, the ballet will present a beautiful, living tableaux of the Nativity and is sure to delight old and young alike. For more information regarding the events of Peppermint Winter Wonderland, please contact the Lyons Main Street Program at 315-871-4220 or visit Peppermint Winter Wonderland on the LMSP webpage: www.lyonsmainstreetprogram.org


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2 Comments to "Peppermint Winter Wonderland"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Question- What is the connection to Sounds of Music and Xmas? With so many xmas movies it seems like an odd choice.

    Posted on Fri Nov 05, 06:53:00 PM EDT

  2. Jerry Ashley Said,

    The thought was to appeal to as many folks across generational lines as possible and to make it fun by encouraging costumes and to sing along with the music. I have pitched the idea of showing White Christmas on Thursday evening, December 23rd as a way to kick off a long holiday weekend but have not yet heard back. I have also pitched the idea of having some of the 1940's and 1950's MGM and Warner Brothers technicolor musicals one Sunday a month to liven up some of our winter days. I do agree that having some of the holiday movies like The Bishops Wife, Holiday Inn, Miracle on 34th Street would be lots of fun. Drop Mr. Ohmann a line to let him know your ideas.

    Posted on Sun Nov 07, 05:57:00 PM EST


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