WCADA Meeting
November 15, 2010
(This is one week later than normal due to the Fall Antique Show)
Newark-Arcadia Historical Society
120 High Street
7 PM
Museum Open @ 6:30 PM
Horse Drawn Sleighs in NYS
Presented by Alan and Mary Isselhard
The presenters are sleigh enthusiasts and collectors of late 19th and early 20th century sleigh ephemera. There will be an extensive collection of sleigh-related items and rare photographs on display.
Attendees are invited to bring any sleigh-related artifacts and memories to share.
This program is being offered to the public, so bring a friend and/or potential member.
Refreshments will be served following the program.
There will be a brief meeting after the program, please plan on staying. If you have a guest, they are invited to join us.
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