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Submitted by:  Four County School Boards Association

The Four County School Boards Association and the local Conference of Mayors are jointly sponsoring a forum to discuss the impact the proposed property tax cap would have on local school districts, villages and towns.  The Legislative Forum will be held on Thursday, January 20, 2011 at the Phelps Community Center, 8 Banta Street in Phelps, New York.  The program will begin at 7:00 p.m.
School Board Members, School Superintendents, Mayors, and Town Supervisors from the school districts, villages, cities, and towns in Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties will come together to hold a discussion about the implications of a tax cap and the mandate relief that will be necessary for each of them to continue to provide quality programs and services if one is enacted.  “Without significant mandate relief a tax cap will force our school districts, towns, and villages to make drastic cuts to the programs and services available to our students and the residents of our communities,” said Mike Ellis, Chair of the Four County School Boards Association’s Legislative Committee and President of the Bloomfield CSD Board of Education.
            Lieutenant Governor Robert Duffy and Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb have been invited to attend.  Also on the invited guest list are Senators James Alesi, Patrick Gallivan, George Maziarz, Michael Nozzolio, Thomas O’Mara, and Joseph Robach; and Assemblymen Harry Bronson, Daniel Burling, David Gantt, Sean Hanna, Stephen Hawley, Mark Johns, Joseph Morelle, Robert Oaks, Phillip Palmesano, and William Reilich.
            Common concerns among the local school districts and other local governments that will be discussed include 1.) a wage freezes for all public employees, 2.) a cap on the percent of employer contributions to health insurance premiums, 3.) a cap on employer contributions to pensions, and relief from Taylor Law provisions.


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  1. Anonymous Said,

    Playing with our kids education is not a place to cut. We need better programs for our kids and I am not talking about the over taken care of special ed. This country needs to produce leaders and this is where it starts. I can not think of anything more patriotic or necessary then supporting public education as the kids are a countries future!!!!!!
    Rich kids will always have private schools. This is part of the class system war where the middle class again takes the hit.

    Posted on Fri Jan 21, 01:00:00 PM EST

  2. Anonymous Said,

    Without capping taxes some way will result in more and more people leaving New York which will result in doing away with the middle class. These past decades has brought higher and higher taxes and more and more being spent on education and results not reflecting the increase in spending. So implying the more we spend the better educated the kids will be is naive, I believe.

    Posted on Fri Jan 21, 02:29:00 PM EST

  3. Andrew DeWolf, Lyons Said,

    Why don't we start by looking at the property tax system as it currently is? Check the Tax books, but lyons alone leads the county with tax exemptions. Why can't we start by leveling the playing field and removing all exemptions? To leave the status quo doesn't leave things fair for all. Why not move away from property taxes and towards a sales tax or flat income tax of all residents in a school district? Why do we need 6 figure school superintendents plus a hierarchy of administrative positions in the $90,000 range? There are alot of issues that need to be looked at here. Everyone can vote on a school budget, but not everyone shares equally in funding it!

    Posted on Sun Jan 23, 02:28:00 PM EST

  4. Anonymous Said,

    I believe you get what you pay for. Teachers and administrators should be payed well. Of course with reasonable measures of performance. These should be some of the hightest paying jobs in society and we should gladly support better talent coming into the field led by better jobs. These people have direct impact on our societies most important commodity.
    In our society we judge a career by the income level and this blinds professional callings.

    Posted on Sun Jan 23, 10:22:00 PM EST

  5. Anonymous Said,

    Teachers and administration are paid well very well as a matter of fact. So to suggest if they are paid more that they become better at their job sounds ridiculous to Mr.

    Posted on Mon Jan 24, 08:59:00 AM EST

  6. Anonymous Said,

    Please, Talent always follows money. Starting teachers in Red Creek makes 27,000. They just agreed on a 2% pay raise, Is that a well respected profession? better than some jobs but certainly not a way to point a child that wants a good life in the land of consumerism. remember the cost of schooling all the way up to a Masters also.

    Problem is two fold we spend most of our money on special needs kids(Mandates). Second in wayne county the agri. districts create huge exemptions for taxes. An example is a farmer owning 148 acres is only taxed after exemptions 800$ for all of that land. PLEASE

    Who has to make up the difference?

    Posted on Wed Jan 26, 09:18:00 AM EST

  7. Anonymous Said,

    I always question when someone ommits alot of the information. What does a teacher with lets say 10 years make? 20 years? Blame the farmers? If you think things are bad without good teachers where do you think we would be without good farmers? Finally when there is an opening in Red Creek how many applicants do you get? My guess is quite a few.

    Posted on Wed Jan 26, 06:26:00 PM EST

  8. Anonymous Said,

    I guess I believe a teacher and a farmer both are valuable parts of society. Even though what we think are farms do not really exist. Corparations and factory farms have emerged as the growing trend in the US and wayne county. The family farm is a dying form of farming.

    I question large farms getting such breaks on taxes making the rest of the people in a town pay highter taxes as they take it to the bank.

    Omitt what, do the math 2% salary increase for teachers on 27,000K means after thousand of dollars of schooling they will reach 50K about their 21st year. Plus paying full taxes on their land. Yep the teachers are rich thats what I want my kids to do!!

    Posted on Wed Jan 26, 09:47:00 PM EST

  9. Anonymous Said,

    Don't want to throw numbers back and forth and force people to decide who is right. So best way to decide is to go to www.seethroughny.net and look up contracts then search for Red Creek teacher contract. In addition to salary scroll down to all the additional wages they get for each activity. Then you decide.

    Posted on Wed Jan 26, 11:17:00 PM EST

  10. Anonymous Said,

    Yes, when a person works another job like coaching soccer which takes tons of time. They should be payed for this. Anyone in the community can apply for coaching and doing activities for the school. You can get a job after your regular job is over also.

    Throwing money at a problem does not solve a problem. Either does taking away solve a problem. Most time the solution is good administration of efficient schools along with money and competition.

    I do agree that teachers unions are to powerful but, without the administration is to powerful. Balance is needed!!!

    Please check out this fasinating video. Very entertaining. I thing it sums things up.
    a mixture of both our opinions.

    cut and paste this.

    Posted on Fri Jan 28, 09:11:00 AM EST


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