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SUBMITTED by Peter Blandino (15-Jan-2011)

Our Waste Water Plant, Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure, East Newark Pump Station Upgrade and our Outfall flow discharge into Ganargua Creek repair and Upgrade is estimated to cost approximately $17,600,000. Our Village has been dealing with our ongoing Capital Improvement Sanitary Sewer System Projects since 2006. The proposed Sewer Rate Increase is necessary because of the Mandated Federal and State Environmental issues that we face. We remain under a pending “Consent Order” from NYS DEC.

If these improvements and upgrades are not accomplished, our Village will face very serious consequences both from a financial and operating standpoint.

The following schedule illustrates the cost increase of the New Sewer Rate.

MRB Group is the Engineering Firm on this $ 17,600,000 Dollar project. This project is being financed over a period of 30 years. Included in our Financial Plan is an Operating and Maintenance Schedule that includes Capital Expenditures for equipment replacement during this 30 year time period.

If everything goes as planned and there are NO NEW MANDATED REQUIREMENTS FROM THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNMENTS, there is a very strong possibility that there will not be ANY NEW SEWER RATE INCREASES FOR THE FORSEEABLE FUTURE.

This Project must be done and is the CORRECT thing to do. This problem didn’t happen over night. It has taken many years to get to this point of action.

What we face in the Village of Newark will be faced with our neighboring Communities when they have to deal with their Aging Waste-Water Sewer Plants as well as their Aging Sewer System Infrastructure.

Most recently our neighbors from Geneva faced the same issues with their Sewer Plant and they took corrective action. Our new projected sewer rate of $ 9.50/M is vey comparable to the new rate that faces the Geneva residents.

The Village of Newark will have a Public hearing on Tuesday evening January 18, at 5:05 PM. The Village Board will answer any questions at that time during the Public Hearing..

Thank you.

Peter M. Blandino
Mayor Village of Newark


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1 Comment to "Village of Newark Waste-Water Sewer Plant Rate Increase"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Mayor Blandino- Nice job of explaining the huge increase in our water & sewer bills for the future. You are right, we have to deal with this. Was it the CORRECT way to go? Only history will tell.

    Posted on Sun Jan 16, 07:55:00 AM EST


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