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SUBMITTED by Vicky Daly, Village of Palmyra (5-Jan-2011)

Conversation with the Mayor

There is always something new in and around the village, but this question has to do exclusively with the water and waste water (sewer) departments. Not the most engaging of topics, it may have missed public attention that the water tower atop Prospect Hill has been painted. Last done long before anyone now on our Village board or in our office was involved, the tower’s new paint job was strongly recommended by the NYS Departmet of Health. Of course, we complied. Clark Patterson Lee, the firm which functions as the village engineers, left the choice of color to the ladies in the office. After a range of suggestions, including black and the image of an Erie Canal pirate, we went with the sky blue choice. It really doesn’t matter what color it is painted, a water tower does not blend in with the surroundings, so it might as well be utilitarian.

As of the first of the year, two new trucks became a fixture in the village. On that date, a contract between the Village of Palmyra and the Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority went into effect. The WCWSA has been engaged to manage the operation of the water and sewer plants as their predecessor had done for many years. The changeover was totally seamless as both Brian Bieda and Jeff Williams are now employees of WCWSA and will continue to do what they have done so well for years – just with new-to-them trucks.

This change may raise questions. Does the village still own the plants? Yes. Who will decide about any changes or improvements to the plants? The village. How do I get in touch with them now? The phone numbers have not changed: Water plant, 597-5050; Sewer plant, 597-4807. Will we still have Canandaigua Lake water? Yes. Why the change? Cost. As the old contract came to an end, it became clear that the board needed to investigate other options to avoid raising water and sewer rates. Talks with several companies occurred and WCWSA was the best fit in every respect. Keeping Brian and Jeff in place was feasible and to everyone’s benefit. If you have any other questions, call the Village Hall, 597-4849, and we will try to answer it for you.

Not a deciding factor in the choice of WCWSA to manage the plant, but a nice extra, was the fact that the money we pay to them will remain in Wayne County, paying salaries for people who live and work here. I have written before about the importance of doing just that, keeping money local. Research says 68 cents of every dollar, or 68%, stays here. That is true not only of retail purchases but also of services. The village tries very hard to practice what it preaches whenever possible. It would be great if you would do the same.

Outside money comes into a community in many ways - investment, retail, and, sometimes through grant funding to promote growth and economic development to encourage the other sources. On Thursday, January 27, 2011, 6:30 – 8:00 PM, Maureen Palumbo will present information on the Main Street Grant Program in the Sexton Building, 149 East Main Street. The intended audience includes the owners of commercial buildings and not-for-profit organizations. The funding is intended to be used for work on the buildings. For background information on the program, go to www.nyshcr.org. If you plan to come, please call the Village Hall, 597-4849, and let us know.


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