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Newark’s “Color our Community Pride Day”

Is scheduled for Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Village’s 5th Annual Community Pride Day clean up is set for May 21, 2011. This year’s theme is “Color our Community with Pride.” The Event will begin between 9:15 AM and 10:00 AM, community volunteers will assemble in the parking lot on the south side of T. Spencer Knight Park near Pontillo’s (close to the intersection of Routes 31 and 88). Donuts and beverages will be served as crews receive their assignments. The village clean up and planting event will take place between 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM. The work crews will hit the canal banks, parks, canal trails, area around old locks 58 and 59, parking lots, Village streets, and wherever debris removal is necessary. Last year, many volunteers did a terrific job!

We believe it can be a catalyst to showcase incredible volunteer spirit as it instills civic pride in our community.

This year, Community Pride Day will include a Village wide floral planting effort! Residents, schools and village businesses are invited to join the effort. We encourage you to get out and help make our community sparkle by cleaning up trash and planting colorful flowers around your own home yards and business store fronts during the month of May. Let’s show each other that we are proud to live here and do business in Newark.

For businesses and individual who would like to make a monetary contribution to help purchase flowers and potting materials, make the checks payable to “Village of Newark” and mail them or drop them off at

Attn: Steve Murawski, Village of Newark, 100 East Miller Street, Newark, NY 14513

For any questions, please contact Steve Murawski at (315) 331-4770 or e-mail at smurawski@villageofnewark.com.


SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2010

Snacks and startup 9:15 A.M. to 10:00 A.M.

Cleanup and Planting 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Community volunteers will assemble in the parking lot on the south side of T. Spencer Knight Park near Pontillo’s (close to the intersection of Routes 31 and 88). Donuts and beverages will be served as crews receive their assignments.


WORKER SIGN UP LIST (Please return to Village Office by Wednesday, May 18th)

Form can be faxed to 315-331-9767 or mailed to 100 East Miller St. Newark, NY 14513.

I plan to volunteer on May 21st:

Name________________________________ Address_____________________ Phone_____________

My Company will volunteer on May 21st:

Company Name_______________________ Address_____________________ Phone_____________

Number of Employee Volunteers to help with the community-wide effort _______________

My Company will help “Color our Community by planting flowers at our place of business.

I will make a donation:

$ ________________ to purchase flowers and materials to “Color our Community”.

Please bill me:

Company Name________________________ Billing Address______________ Phone_____________

For any questions, please contact Steve Murawski at (315) 331-4770 or e-mail at smurawski@villageofnewark.com.


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