Submitted by: Jerry Ashley, Lyons Main Street Program
Hello all! Happy Spring!
The LMSP would like to make you aware of scheduled community events and happenings that will be taking place over the next few months. This is also a reminder that May has officially been proclaimed by both the Village and Town Boards as "Clean Up, Fix Up, and Paint Up Month". This promotion encourages all Lyons property owners to take pride in community and pride of ownership. Spruce up so we'll all look good for summer visitors!
To coincide with the "Clean Up, Fix Up, and Paint Up Month" promotion, the LMSP is awarding "Thumbs Up!" certificates to those Lyons neighbors and businesses that show pride of community and ownership by maintaining their residence or business to reflect their pride. This is one way all Lyonites can say “Thank you!” for making Lyons a great place to live. Only Lyons' residents may nominate a fellow Lyons neighbor or business for “Thumbs Up!” recognition and the person (or persons) nomination of a fellow resident or business will remain anonymous. You can nominate someone by contacting the Lyons Main Street Program at 315-871-4220 or via email. Know someone that always keeps their property neat and tidy? Has a neighbor recently painted the trim on the house or planted a new flower bed? Nominate them for a “Thumbs Up!” certificate. All certificates are hand delivered and as a further acknowledgement, a complete listing of all Thumbs Up award winners will be publicly listed in early June.
To make Lyons look its patriotic best, the LMSP is offering quantity discounts on USA made bunting for dressing Lyons up for summer. Bunting is a traditional way to greet summer visitors and the quantity pricing lowers with the more units ordered. The LMSP will be happy to coordinate the purchase and distribute as they come in. A three stripe pleated flag (#PFF-318 - red white and blue stripes - 18" X 36", cotton w/ hanging grommets) is as low as $3.50 each with an order of 24 or more and the five stripe (#PFF-501, with stars - same size, poly blend w/ hanging grommets) are $4.50 each with an order over 6 units. The cost of shipping will be split among those participating. They may be viewed at this link -
Thursday, May 19 @ 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Dock area clean up. If time allows, clean up the future Lyons Elementary School 6th Grade peppermint garden area.
Saturday May 21st The Anne Hotchkiss Residence Auction. Preview at 9:00 am. Go online to view items, Reynolds Auction House.
Saturday, May 21 @ 9:00 AM - 12:00 noon, (weather permitting) the oft postponed community cleanup of the downtown Erie Canal waterfront, the William Street approach area (between the firehouse and American Legion), and Southside Canal Park. At noon, volunteers will be treated to grilled hot dogs and homemade macaroni and cheese at the Lyons Fire house. Please bring your gloves, rakes, and shovels (make sure your name is on your tools!) and drag along a friend to yak with while you're making a difference!
Saturday, May 21st - Hometown Hollywood, 7 PM - - - American Idol Emcee Ryan Seacrest wasn't available so the organizers have tapped vociferous Terry VanStean to fill in. This event is sponsored by the LHS Senior Class of 2011 and proceeds benefit the "Senior Lock-in" night. Pre-auditioned performers will do their best to win the top prize of $500.00 ($200.00 2nd and $100.00 3rd) with the ultimate winner being determined by the audience. Earl Buchanan Auditorium, Lyons Central School, 7 pm. Tickets are $8 and $5 for senior citizens.
Monday, May 30th - American Legion Memorial Day Parade at 9:30 am. Parade route begins and ends at the Village Square Park with a stop to honor the Veterans at the Town of Lyons Rural Cemetery. Local Girl Scouts place bouquets on veteran's graves. Lyons MS/HS Marching Band will provide music. Parade route is William St. from the village Square Park north to Canal, east on Canal to Spencer, north on Spencer into Town of Lyons Rural Cemetery then west on Jackson to Broad Street, south on Broad to the Village Square Park. Patriotic and Veteran's entries are encouraged and line up begins at 9 am at the Village Square Park.
Beginning June 6th it will begin to look a lot like Peppermint Days as the Lyons Main Street Program kicks off the "Paint the Village Peppermint" decorating contest for businesses and residences. Last year brought out the craftier side of business windows and homes alike with clever decorative representations. Last year's 1st place home owner was The Pullen Residence at 69 Cherry Street and the 1st place business went to the Wayne County employees that decorated the windows at the Park Bakery Building.
Wednesday, June 8th - LMS/LHS Spring Concert and awards. For further information, go to
Friday - Sunday, July 8 - 10 - Peppermint Days. Grand Parade, Friday night July 8, Kiddy and Tractor Parade Saturday night, July 9. For other information, please contact
As Always, may we ask you to forward this email to any Lyons resident that you feel would appreciate the contents provided herein.
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