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SUBMITTED by Carol Elaine Deys, Para-Deys Acres Charitable Trust (18-Mar-2011)

In 1810, the U.S. population of Macedon / Palmyra was 2187 people. Considering the fact that this area was "discovered" in 1789 - that is tremendous growth! It must have been a real boom town with all of the mud, wolves, horses and carts to go along with it.  Families, with their oxen carts walked ten miles a day to travel the long distance to their new homes.  Despite all of the hardships that were theirs to bear, they must have been elated - and exhausted when they finally reached here.

I can look across the street from our log cabin and see some of the replicas of the very trees that were standing here two hundred years ago.  It gives one a sense of stability - and hope.  Knowing that we are now in a place of dignified potential because people cared enough to make a difference, is a real plus for me and my family.  We are able to plan for the future as much as one possibly can, and be encouraged by it.  With wars, earthquakes and rumors of wars happening every day, how lucky we are to live right where we do. Many of our local families have been deeply touched by the current malaise in the world.  The support system in the form of friends, relatives and neighbors is phenomenal!

"Everyone is talking about the weather, and no one is doing anything about it."  WRONG! Dr. Increase Lapham, born in Macedon in 1811 was the founder of the U. S. Weather Bureau and our current Highway Department "stepped up to the plate" when it came to our latest snowstorms.  Thank you!

There are many from this area who have been inventors, projectors of potential, and great storytellers! In order to facilitate these talented people, by 1825 Macedon had its own post office with Dr. Aaron Reed serving as its first postmaster.

Fire was a very difficult thing when it happened in those days.  They did not have the equipment that we have today, and many of the brand new buildings burned to the ground before they were ever able to save them.  The Macedon Village Hotel was one of them.  Twice it burned to the very ground it was built upon.  To those of us who never saw it, it is hard to imagine that such a place was situated right on Main St. at the corner of Erie and Route 31.  Correct me if I'm wrong!

Have I mentioned before that this area used to be the Tuscarora hunting grounds?  I heard that many of them were not up to sharing these lands - all six million acres of it - and Jonathan Swift got the message while surveying the potential farmlands in Township 12.  In 1789 he, and some of his friends were attacked at night by these Native Americans.  Can't say I blame them!

Every day changes are happening in our community.  Our new Walmart store has been open for several years now, and what a difference that has made for many.  Every few generations really large things happen to make or break an area.  Like the trees that stand together in the woods across the street, we - as people of the creative way, are trying our wings.  Building new places, determining new ways, giving birth to ideas that are far beyond yesterday's vision.  What will tomorrow bring, and are we ready for the indelible mark that it will make upon the future of our lands?  May God's grace make it happen with justifiable order.

In peace,

Carol Elaine Deys


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2 Comments to "HOMESPUN - Chapter Eight"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    This piece shows the pride we take in this area. It also underlines the hope we need for the future. Thank you for these fabulous words. John C.

    Posted on Fri May 27, 09:53:00 PM EDT

  2. Anonymous Said,

    Once again Carol Elaine sparked our minds to give thought to all of the wonderful things that have and are going on in our world.
    Many thanks!!!!

    Posted on Sat May 28, 08:16:00 AM EDT


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