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SUBMITTED by Kara Lynn Dunn, Great Lakes Seaway Trail (27-May-2011)

Sign at Pultneyville Landing (Photo: George Fischer)
Wayne County, NY, sites and attractions are featured in some of the 12 new Great Lakes Seaway Trail scenic byway driving itineraries. The itineraries were recently distributed to more than 1,500 domestic and international travel buyers from 70 countries at the Travel Association of America International Pow Wow Marketplace event in San Francisco. The annual event generates more than $3.5 billion in future U.S. travel expenditures.

Some of the Wayne County sites in the new itineraries are Ailing Coverlet Museum, B. Forman Park, Burnap’s Farm Market & Garden Cafe, Chimney Bluffs State Park, Heluva Good Cheese Country Store, Long Acres Farm, Pultneyville, and Sodus Bay Lighthouse.

The itineraries were developed in partnership with I Love NY Division of Tourism and the 11 Great Lakes Seaway Trail county tourism promotion agencies (10 in NYS, 1 in PA).

The itineraries focus on themed travel opportunities:
  • Birding the Great Lakes Seaway Trail
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail Capture the Moment: Photography, Art, and Painting
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail Cultural Heritage and Quilts
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail Just the Two of Us Getaways and Shopping
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail Lighthouses and Shipwrecks
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail Lighthouse-to-Lighthouse Bicycling
  • Quilting Around the Great Lakes Seaway Trail
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail Seven-Day Scenic Coastal Drive
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail: Take the Blueway 
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail War of 1812 in the U.S. and Canada
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail War of 1812 Quilt Challenge
  • Great Lakes Seaway Trail “Where Can I Take the Kids.”
The itineraries vary in length from a one afternoon option to a 9-day bicycling tour. Some of the itineraries are time-limited; others are available any time for do-it-yourself drivers; one is an escorted two-nation group tour to War of 1812 sites in New York, Pennsylvania, Ontario and Quebec.

“These byway-branded itineraries represent unique “only on the Great Lakes Seaway Trail” travel experiences on a premier American national scenic byway touring destination,” Mitchell says.

The Great Lakes Seaway Trail is the 518-mile-long National Scenic Byway that parallels the freshwater shoreline of the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, the Niagara River and Lake Erie in New York and Pennsylvania. The new Great Lakes Seaway Trail itineraries are posted online at www.seawaytrail.com/roadtrips.


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