Gigantic Fall Barn Sale
Thursday, September 15th & Friday, September 16th from 9 am to 4 pm and on Saturday, September 17th there will be a $2.00 bag sale and 50% off sale on large items from 9 am to 12 noon.
The Ontario Historical Society is having their fall barn sale at Heritage Square Museum located at Brick Church Corners, 7147 Ontario Center Road, Ontario, NY. From Rochester travel 104 East, turn left (north) onto Ontario Center Road and continue to the corner of Brick Church Road. Look for the sign on the left.
Domed trunk, Fuji road bike, antique sewing caddy, boxed original Barbie doll, computer desk, jewelry, linens, glassware and more. Bargains galore for everyone!
All profits from the sale benefit the preservation of Heritage Square Museum.
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