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Mayor Vicky Daly
SUBMITTED by Vicky Daly, Village of Palmyra (2-Aug-2011)

Conversation with the Mayor

Sometimes laundry lists are a lengthy compilation of questions and complaints - one small annoyance plus a minor irritation and perhaps a bit of indignation for an asssumed insult. Not today. This is good stuff – compliments which should be passed along, informal observations about what a great place this is to live, mainly because of the people.

High on the list of people and organizations that deserve compliments are the men and women of the Palmyra Fire Department who gave their time and energy to the regretfully unsuccessful search and rescue mission in the village last month. They worked professionally with the many police agencies involved in the search, providing the local knowledge base needed at that time.

Then there are the volunteers working to prepare the new Community Library building for opening later in the year. If you would like to be part of this project, call the Cuyler Street library building, 597-5276, and get details about needs and time frames.

Compliments from visitors are always nice. The boaters from Texas were particular pleased with how well groomed and appointed the marina park is and how friendly people were. They also loved Breen’s – products, clerks, and atmosphere. Visitors from Colorado appreciated the ride provided them by the Palmyra Inn from the inn to their hire boat in Macedon and the friendliness of patrons at Muddy Waters. Everyone loves the baskets – that’s a given. Local residents and their guests have made a point of saying thanks for the music at the marina in July. A possible summer tradition?

And there is good news to round out the laundry list. This past week we welcomed two very different new businesses to Palmyra. Company expansion and a need for space prompted owner Jim Russell to move Modern Manufacturing, www.modernmfg.net , into 640 East Main Street. More business means more employees and Jim is looking for machinists at this time. If you are interested, stop down. On the other end of the village, at 505 West Main, the Palmyra Macedon Conservatory of Dance, www.palmacdance.com held its grand opening on Saturday, July 30th. Owner Jaime Neiss is offering a free lesson for possibly interested clients, small children to adults. The studio is beautiful and just as it should be.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and all the opportunities it offers. When our weather is good it is glorious, so create the memories now to enjoy again next winter.


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