Dear Neighbors,
The Marine Patrol continues to search for Alan Shultz in Sodus Bay. He was fishing with a friend on Oct. 31 when their boat was capsized by waves. This Office has been assisted by the Sodus Point, Pultneyville, Red Creek, North Rose, Clyde, Wallington, Alton, Sodus and Lake Shore (Greece, NY) Fire Departments. The Wayne County Fire Coordinators Office and Deputy Fire Coordinators, Sodus Town, Williamson Town and Silver Waters Ambulances, NYSP Aviation Unit, U.S. Coast Guard, NYS EnCon Officers and Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit. The Cayuga Highland Search and Rescue Team assisted with two water search dogs and our dive efforts were assisted by divers from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, Ontario County Sheriff’s Office, Red Creek and Fair Haven Fire Departments.
Our search will endure until inclement weather makes it unsafe for our Marine Patrol to continue the current shore and surface water searches. Thank you to everyone that has assisted us in our efforts, but to date (12/1/11) our attempts to find Mr. Shultz have been unsuccessful. I hope to soon be able to bring closure to the Shultz family.
This is a happy time of year for many Wayne County families. Here are some crime tips for the holidays:
- Make sure all your doors and windows are locked. Presents under your tree may look appealing, but keep them out of view of windows and doors until you are ready to open and exchange them.
- The holidays increase the conact from charities. Take the time to investigate those that you are unsure about and ask for identification from any stranger that presents themselves at your door.
- While shopping, be alert and aware of your surroundings. Park in well-lighted areas, lock your vehicle and keep valuables out of sight; carry small amounts of cash and never leave your purse or wallet unattended in shopping carts or on counters when completing purchases. If you return to your vehicle with packages and plan to continue shopping, secure the items in your trunk and move your vehicle.
- If you are gone for a period of time, ask your neighbor to watch your home and report any suspicious activity immediately to 911.
A Sobriety Check Point was conducted on Nov. 25 from 9 p.m. - 3:00 a.m. Nov. 26 on Route 31 in the Towns of Savannah and Arcadia. Deputies arrested one driver for DWI, three individuals for Unlawful Possession of Marihuana and 24 traffic summons were issued to other motorists.
Chief Deputy Bob Hetzke completed 30 years of service. The Chief Deputy is in charge of Police Services which includes the Road Patrol, Criminal Investigations Unit, Civil and Records Offices, and is the co-commander of the WayneNet Drug Taskforce. I salute Bob for his service!
I wish everyone a safe Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please drive responsibly!
Please contact me at 315-946-5797 or e-mail me at bvirts@co.wayne.ny.us with any questions or concerns you have.
Barry Virts
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