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Mayor Vicky Daly
SUBMITTED by Vicky Daly, Village of Palmyra (21-Dec-2011)

Conversation with the Mayor

I think I may have told you that the village government has to work on 3 different calendars. There is the political calendar which runs from the first of December to the end of the following November. Village elections are held in November with newly elected board members beginning their terms the first Monday in December. There is also the fiscal year, which is from June 1 to May 31st, and finally there is the calendar year, the end of which is fast approaching. All three are relevant, but it is the last that gives me pause to consider the preceding twelve months. How did things go in the Village of Palmyra in 2011? Pretty well.

In no particular order, chronological or of importance, here are some of the highlights of 2011 in the Village of Palmyra: lower property tax rate; the reconstruction of Canandaigua Street; new sidewalks on Canandaigua Street; opening of Comfort Station at the marina; band concerts at the marina; invitation to participate in National Trust Conference in Buffalo; a nationally known speaker brought his expertise on residential tax credits to the village; the successful first year with Finger Lakes Ambulance; the successful first year with Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority; contracted for wi-fi at the marina and main business district in Spring 2012, and multiple business owners have shown their confidence in Palmyra’s future by opening their businesses here. Village government was not alone in accomplishing good things this year. The Palmyra Community Library opened at its new location, 402 East Main. It is a beautiful, professionally designed site and will serve its patrons well. An aerial photo in the Village Hall attests to the huge success of this year’s Canal Town Days car show – the biggest ever. Also record breaking was the Green Angels event at the Palmyra Community Center. Once more, local people supported a worthy cause to make the holidays happier for children not just in Palmyra, but county wide.

So what’s left for 2012? Specifically, we will finish the sidewalks on Canandaigua Street; continue ongoing maintenance of Village streets, sidewalks and buildings, and work with the NYS Canal Corporation on the possibility of a canalside park area just west of Division Street to offer greater access to the canal. And, as always, we will take advantage of any opportunities that could be beneficial to the village – its residents, marchants and business owners. Working together we will aim for another very good year.

Happy Holidays!!!


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