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SUBMITTED by Vicky Daly, Village of Palmyra (7-Mar-2012)

Conversation with the Mayor

I could not have ordered better weather as a backdrop for this column than what we are experiencing this magnificent Wednesday morning. It is unseasonably warm; the sky is blue and the sun is shining. I won’t even consider the question as to its duration. Right now we have a beautiful day that should be used to the fullest and enjoyed. It just makes people feel better so let’s look forward at the upcoming ‘good stuff’ Here is a start. There will be more to come.

Consider just our small corner of the world. Pull out your calendar and make note of the following. On Thursday, March 15th, Wayne Goodman, Executive Director of the Landmark Society of Western New York, and Cynthia Howk, Architectural Research Coordinator, will speak at the Palmyra Village Hall, at 7:00 PM. Their topic is ‘The Landmark Society of Western New York - Now, Then, and Tomorrow. Neither Cynthia nor Wayne is a stranger to Palmyra and Wayne County. Their comments on how Palmyra and the County could fit into the LSWNY’s future should be interesting. There is no cost to the presentation.

Now turn your calendar five pages ahead and make note that on Sunday, July 8th, and again on the 22nd, there will be music in the Village Park. ‘Inside Out’ will be playing Beatles covers and other music from the sixties on the 8th; Todd East will bring the music of Billy Joel and Elton John and friends on the 22nd. The music resumes on Sunday, August 5th with ‘Ann Mitchell Jazz’, and then on the 19th when ‘No Drama Mamas’ brings acoustic and electric rock and country to the Village Park. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon – good music in a beautiful setting at no cost!

Think positive and enjoy this taste of spring!


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