Did you know that breastfeeding is not just for food?
Spring Breastfeeding Group is beginning at CCE of Wayne County
New moms and dads are often given information about the ingredients of breastmilk that keep their babies healthy. Rarely do they receive information about the emotional aspects of breastfeeding. One of the joys of my work with breastfeeding moms and babies is how it makes them feel beyond the rosy cheeks and normal weight gain.
One of the moms that I have worked with in the past few months shared this insight with me:
“Nursing my son is like a meditation, one that needs no extra tools. A time that he can be sure he's the most important person in my life. We take a step back from the hustle and bustle of everyday living to just be together. Sometimes he's playful and interactive, sometimes it's a quiet place for him to take in all the new things he's seen or done and relax enough to sleep. It helps no matter what his mood is and it always makes him feel better than just feeding him can do. It's a gift I can give him that no one else can.”She also shared that she doesn’t know how moms cope with a cranky kid who isn’t breastfed. Her baby is instantly soothed by putting him to the breast. “It is like magic.”
Most of the moms who come to our Breastfeeding Group have experienced something similar once they feel comfortable and confident in their abilities to nurture their baby.
Would you like to discuss this and other topics related to breastfeeding and being a new mom or dad?
Would you like to learn what foods to eat during your pregnancy to help with morning sickness and how to deal with cravings?
Would you like to know who to call after the baby is born for help or to answer questions?
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wayne County, 1581 Route 88N, Newark, NY has begun the Spring Breastfeeding Group at the CCE office in Newark each week on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm. We will cover a variety of topics and will answer any questions that you might have.
You are welcome to attend at any time for information and support. We can also meet individually if the group time is not convenient for you.
Please call 315-331-8415 x205 to find out what we offer and to let us know you will be attending.
We look forward to meeting you and anyone who will be your support person during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and after the baby comes home.
Moms who attend a series of discussions will receive a gift for their baby.
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