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SUBMITTED by Nancy Kasper (31-May-2012)

Letter to the Editor

Dear All,

Perhaps you read the public notice regarding the public informational meeting on the proposed new "Solid Waste Management Facility" *(DUMP)* targeted for The Town of Arcadia's former landfill site on Rt 88, Wayne County?

It's happening Tuesday, June 5th, 7pm at the Newark Senior High School auditorium, 625 Peirson Ave. Newark.

If you're not familiar with what it's like to drive by Seneca Meadows in Seneca Falls, the stench, the truck traffic, the view of Mount Trashmore, toxic leachate, that's where this might be headed. NY is already the trash capitol of the Northeast. Do we really want to continue this old paradigm mentality of the throw-away society, trashing our children's future?

Times are changing and it's time we, *The People*, empower ourselves and take the initiative to change how we operate with respect to our planet and natural resources.

We get to choose how we shape our future and this is an opportunity to exercise that God-given right of conscious creative power.

Hope to see you there.




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1 Comment to "A New Wayne County Landfill?"

  1. Big Bird Said,

    Unfortunately, landfills are required in order to dispose of the waste we create. Its the nature of landfills to become full and to require new ones. The alternatives are few, more expensive, and require more discipline by the population creating the waste. For example - trucking waste out of the area is excrptionally expensive, recycling requires dicipline abd also is very expensive (accounts for a small percentage of the waste), incinerators are expensive, no one wants them either, and they can pollute as well although that argument is hotly debated. Lastlt, we can create less waste and stop being a throw away society. The previous generation was much more frugal and complete in their use of materials. So if non of the above solutions are palatable to the piblic- what's the alternative? The waste has to be taken care of or we have dangerous sanitation issues. So?? What's the better solution ? How much are we willong to pay extra to reduce landfills and process waste in other ways? Technology solutions require money and time - that's all on our nickel - we ARE the owners of the pronlem but we want someone else to find the solutions. Time to take responsibility for what waste we create and stop complaining about thr results - more landfills.

    Posted on Sat Jun 02, 12:44:00 PM EDT


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