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SUBMITTED by Ed Leroux (11-Jun-2013)

Citizen = watershed resident = YOU

Save Our Sodus, Inc. announces "Citizen Science Exposition" Sodus Bay, along with numerous other New York State and US water bodies is experiencing the challenges and effects of excessive nutrient loading. One result of this condition is excessive aquatic weed growth representing both a recreational nuisance as well as an abundant source of phosphorus, the primary nutrient associated with algal blooms. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of harmful algal blooms that in some cases can be a health concern.

In response to these conditions in Sodus Bay, the Save Our Sodus organization has been working closely with the scientific community to bring research, observation and experimentation to our bay, to better understand the dynamics of nutrient loading, aquatic weed growth, algal blooms and the effects of climate change. Dr. Greg Boyer from SUNY ESF and head of the Great Lakes Consortium, Dr. Joe Atkinson from SUNY Buffalo, Lindsey Gerstenslager head of Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation District and Dave White from Sea Grant are all partnering with SOS to extend our knowledge with the hope of finding practical short and long term approaches for adapting to these conditions.

One of the key findings from this work is the powerful and significant impact the individual can have on water quality conditions. Watershed residents, i.e. shore owners, home owners, marina operators, etc., literally every individual who resides in the watershed, can have a direct effect on reducing the amount of nutrient loading.

In recognition of the importance of the individual to this nutrient loading challenge we are announcing the "Citizen Science Expo" to be held on Saturday, June 22, at the Sodus Bay Yacht Club from 9:00 A.M to 1:00 PM. This "Expo" will feature information, practices and projects that can be undertaken by individuals to reduce their "nutrient footprint". The displays and information booths will include opportunities to learn about the dynamics of nutrient loading, simple and easy-to-use techniques for reducing loading from our own properties as well as ways to help prevent algal blooms from occurring in shore line locations. In addition, there will be an opportunity to do live testing of water samples, view aquatic weed harvesting equipment on display, view observation and testing equipment, water safety equipment, learn invasive species identification procedures and more.

The "Expo" is designed for interaction with each of the booths and displays - - hands on participation and the ability to ask questions and gain full understanding of what is being featured.

Participating organizations include SUNY ESF, SUNY Buffalo, Sea Grant, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Wayne County Soil & Water Conservation District, Sodus Point Coast Guard Auxiliary and the US Army Corps of Engineers.

This event is sponsored by Save Our Sodus, Inc., and hosted by the Sodus Bay Yacht Club providing a water venue for the event. The Sodus Bay Yacht Club is located at 7431 Irwin St., Sodus Point, NY 14555. This event is free and open to the public.

Attendees can obtain a map of the event, ask questions and get a thorough orientation to the information displays at the entrance area.


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