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Carol Elaine and Dick Deys7/12/13 To: mcramer@villageofmacedon.org, john.more@live.com From: ParaDeysAcres@aol.com This sender is in your contact list. Sent: Fri 7/12/13 12:33 PM To: mcramer@villageofmacedon.org; john.more@live.com MUTUAL HARMONY Kindred spirits gathered at the Macedon Canal Park in the Village of Macedon on Thursday night, June 11th for a celebration. In many ways and forms they came together to hear the music of RETROSPECTIVE, a "drivin', dancin' timeless rock." Well, they were not disappointed. Greg Clausen, Dan DuFour, Ken Diehl, Glenn Mullen and Stephen Kovacsiss all members of this rockin' band played to their heart's content for several hours. I hear by the grapevine that they will be coming back next year. We were also entertained by the children of all ages who rocked their socks off. I couldn't help but notice the joy on their faces when they were dancing. One little two year old boy was doing a perfect imitation of friend Melinda, cavorting in the grass - escaping occasionally into the grand flush of freedom's call. Note that the younger ones can keep up with these occasional escapees. It is a good thing! The Macedon Fire Department put on a spread of hot dogs and Italian sausage with treats to go along with them. Half way through the program, boxes of ice cream bars showed up at fifty cents each - and they quickly disappeared into the eighty some - at least - people who were there again sharing an evening of community support. We were so blessed to have such a beautiful evening. Considering the rain and humidity that we have been experiencing, it seems like the sun popped through the clouds just for this special occasion. We counted this a blessing - each in our own way celebrating the common ground fun of food and classic, current and sometimes forgotten tunes. Early in the evening, looked over at the canal and in came a beautiful boat filled with people who would be staying overnight there. Several went over to greet them, inviting them to join us in our festivities. Many of them did walk over our way. I did watch some of the little ones accompanied by their parents, taking a walk over by them to greet them with our usual Macedon pride. I sure hope they enjoyed their stay. We are making leeway on both of our Village projects. and getting excited about seeing the Mural finished on the pavilion near the fire hall. All donations are tax deductible, and of course welcomed. You won't be sorry when you see the results. In this day of consistent change, it is good to see that home base is being covered in many ways. Just wanted to share a fun and happy experience with all of you. We keep doubling our numbers at these events, so we must be doing something right! Carol Elaine Deys, Para-Deys Acres' Serenity Chapel


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