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SUNY Oswego, NY/Great Lakes Seaway Trail – A panel discussion of the deliberate scuttling of historic ships with ties to the Great Lakes Seaway Trail waters of the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, Niagara River and Lake Erie has been added to the October 5 Great Lakes Seaway Trail Blue Byway Seminar at SUNY Oswego in Oswego, NY.

Sarah Tichonuk , a Nautical Archaeologist with the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Vergennes, VT, will join Dive Captain Dale Currier and New York Sea Grant Coastal Recreation and Tourism Specialist Dave White for the panel and open discussion at the 9am to 1pm event.

The practice of deliberately sinking ships from significant military to commercial vessels creates artificial reefs suitable for recreational divers, diver training programs, and tourism promoters.

Other presenters on the Great Lakes Seaway Trail Blue Byway program include Christopher Nicholson, designer of the remotely-operated underwater vessel used by National Geographic to film the wrecks of the War of 1812 schooners in Lake Ontario. National Weather Service Forecaster Bob Hamilton will present information on the historic weather conditions that influenced the Revolutionary War wreck of the HMS Ontario. He will also share his recent research into the 1913 White Hurricane on the Great Lakes.

The event is part of the Great Lakes Seaway Trail Underwater Series of maritime heritage and recreation programs. Discounted admission of $10 applies until October 1; after that, $15 entry applies. 
Find more information on the October 5 at www.seawaytrail.com/dive.


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1 Comment to "Deliberate Sinking to Create Lake Ontario Dive Destinations: Panel at October 5 Blue Byway Seminar"

  1. Gil Burgess Said,

    If anyone attends this discussion and learns where the vessels which they might sink come from, let the rest of us know!

    Posted on Sun Sep 29, 12:15:00 PM EDT


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