Hello Legionaires Wherever You Are!
Welcome to fall and so long to a long wet summer.
Philp Steiger Post 494 members in the hamlet of Macedon would like to see you visit our post on 76 Main Street. Post meeting is the third Thursday at 7:30 pm of each month September through June.
The Axiliary meet the second Thursday in the afternoon whereas the Sons of the Legion meet the first Thursday at 8 pm. Our Sons squadron has made time contibutions to the post by
making small improvements. Are YOU a helper? The post was surprised ( and greatly appreciated) when the parking lot was sealed and yellow striped by Douglas Longyear. An example
of some who cares and does something positive.
Meet your same service commrades.Come to Euchre NIght as it is each and every Wednesday.
It is too early to say but there will be a few events this fall and we'll let the details out soon as we can after plans are formed.
Stop in town October 5th as there will be displays and vendors at the canal park by the village fire department. It is a great time to see your friends and other legionnaires.
Do you know we are a small post in the county but gre-e-at in spirit. We are always in need of new members and those who feel that can help the post by donating their time a
few hours amonth. By helping the post for a few hours will get you away from the house and the visual cyclop, the TV. There are times we all need to abandon briefly this
electronic sedative. It is truly amazing how much one can learn of local activites that may not be in the newspapers from members socializing. We look forward to seeing, so you drop in.
Post 494 Historian
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