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Mural Mania Advisory Committee (MMAC)

First meeting will be 10/16/13, 7 PM at the Newark-Arcadia Historical Society. 120 High Street, Newark, NY


To promote the mission of Mural Mania: “the preservation of history through community art.”

To maintain a list of mural artist, local and outside of the area. This list would include professionals and talented amateurs.

To gather technical and supplier information that would assist local groups to carry out their project(s).

To assist local groups in any way possible to create more murals for our area. This would include publicity and fundraising, and any other possible assistance and support we can give.

To coordinate with Tourist Promotion Agencies, the Seaway Trail group, the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, local historical societies, and any other groups possible to carry out the mission.

To bring the World Murals Conference to Wayne County or the Finger Lakes Region.


Since this will be a loosely organized group of mural enthusiasts, “membership” is open to anyone who believes in the mission. Ideally, we would like to have at least one person from each town in Wayne County. Perhaps at some point, the group may decide to “formalize” its structure and become an official non-profit organization, but for starters, we want to keep the “mural mania ball rolling.”


We are thinking that we’d like to hold 2 to 4 general meetings per year initially to update each other and to keep us all on the same page. There are likely to be smaller group interest meetings as well.


There will be no dues and hopefully few expenses. We will initially rely on donations and volunteers to cover whatever minimal costs there will be to promote the mission.

As for financing murals themselves, hopefully we can find an official non-profit organization to collect donations and pay expenses for each project. MMAC would then promote donations to that project.


Contact Mark or Gene and give us your name and contact information (please include the town you live in, mailing address, email address, and telephone). If you have specific talents or experience with murals, please share that with us as well.

Mark DeCracker Gene Bavis

videomark@gmail.com gbavis@rochester.rr.com

315-573-8170 315-573-2768


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