two thousand twenty
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Someone planted a seed of pink crownvetch a long time ago in her garden by the house on the corner of Sheldon and County Road 8 in Farmington. She must have looked upon the beautiful azure sky with white clouds floating and thought "Today IS a good day, and I shall value my home as in no other time." She must have looked up at the sun, and prayed that rain would come to water that seed and her home would be blessed by all of the facets of nature blossoming around her. She must have been a caring lady. Yesterday my husband, Dick and I went over to that corner, and we found an amazing garden of royalty waiting to be shared. There were colonies of milk weed, tall bronze coffee plants, large purple burdocks, yellow buttercups of all heights all waiting to be used as "butter testers" by both the young and the old amongst us. Hawkweed also blossomed there, and mullein with its stately stance looking over the valley where our Quaker ancestors first encountered the wilderness over two hundred years ago. The sky/blue chickory was just starting to pop up. I wonder if they used it for a coffee/flavored beverage when their supplies ran short. A year or so ago a team of strengthening volunteers moved an historical Quaker building to that corner. What a day of celebration that was! Today it stands quietly amongst these beautiful flowers, and i am wondering how we will define beauty when it is time to cut the area around it? Will we plant new flowers around the building, seeding the ground for another place in time and let the rest be cut into grass? Or will we let the wild flowers grow, enmeshing the entire area with colorful beauty for all to enjoy? Somewhere there is a happy medium, I am sure. Other volunteers discovered the same while "building" a Butterfly/Nature Trail in the Village of Macedon's Canal Park. Today we are blessed by wise choices when we walk that Trail, and await the many surprises which are ever/'changing each and every day. Butterfly Trails, historical Quaker Museums, new homes and buildings being built all around us. There is a saying I remember....."Don't throw out the baby with the bath" and it is my hope that we pay close attention to everything we are doing when we make these changes. After all, the wildflowers and the precious gardens of the past were here for all good reason long before any of us were. Mother Nature had a way of making a provisional promise for all to see for the care of our bodies and our reflective souls. There is white clover springing up all over in a proud attempt to care for the honeybees. Our garden has gigantic red and purple clover, and I celebrate its beauty every day. So do our bees and bunnies. I personally do not claim to know all of the answers this morning as to the dictates of those who "hold the purse strings" in this area - but I do know that someone must pay attention to more than the value that money brings, and look all around them for the natural affinity that this land has provided for all of us. Tomorrow is the 4th of July, a celebration of Independence all over America. "America,The Beautiful" speaks of the music of the soul which contains EVERY aspect of life as a whole in our beloved country. As we gather to celebrate this privileged way, and share in the fun of family and friends, will we take a moment to remember the sacrifices that have been made by others - both personally, and through the amazing land that surrounds us all? A wonderful menage of change is upon this area. Guided by "those in the know" - may we never forget the hallowed attempt that Mother Nature has provided for us - and continue to share the vision of a job well done, recreating for all who live here, a place worth counting as valuable and true to its beginnings. Cement sidewalks, Macadam roads and tall, tall buildings of infinite decree all have their places around us - but so do the gardens of nature's claim, blossoming infinitely - here and there popping up to remind us of the defining heritage we hold dear in a land of peace and plenty called Wayne and Ontario Counties in the State of New York, USA.....and a place of elegant potential for all to see right here at home in the midst of multiple changes that are now appearing upon this earth - WE ARE BLESSED! May we continue to celebrate each and every day this potential in the choices we make! HAPPY SUMMER! HAPPY 4TH of JULY - and HAPPY DAYS OF RECLAIMING OUR PLACES OF BEAUTY ALONG WITH NEW AND MOTIVATIONAL PROJECTS, FOR ISN'T THERE A SAYING THAT "THE BEST IS YET TO BE?" Harmony speaks from the vintage wealth of our forefather's land and our foremother's hope, defining courage and applicating joy at every level of intent. May we continue to hear the voices of respect, reasonable choices and defining hope every step of the way. Carol Elaine Deys - Para-Deys Acres


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