two thousand twenty
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I peg this photo to be around 1952, based upon the year of the automobiles in the photo. Also, none of the cars have whitewall tires, indicating that the photo was taken during the Korean War. (Materials used to produce whitewalls were in short supply due to the war)


Unfortunately, the photo is too grainy to see what movie was playing at the Capitol theater. Back then, the Capitol would be playing the latest attractions. Manager Gus DePauw ran a top notch movie house.
The photo below is of South Main St. last of Newark's downtown areas to be developed, and still exists. On the left we can see the Arthur G. Schulz Furniture store and Undertaking Parlors (now Market Alternatives Insurance). Next is the big Montgomery Ward department store, now Aaron's Appliance, and Ward's dress shop (part of Montgomery Wards).
The next building was the Home Dairy Building, (now Salvatores Pizza). The Home Dairy building housed Ward's Dress Shop ( a doorway was cut from Montgomery Wards into the dress shop.) The Home Dairy Cafeteria took up the center section and rear of the building. It was a magical place with all sorts of tastes and smells. The place for fresh baked goods sold by women in bakery uniforms. The cafeteria specialized in steamship round of beef, carved in front of you.
The right hand portion of the Home Dairy building was rented to Hart's Food Store, one of Newark's many grocers.
The Capitol Theater building opened on New Year's Eve of 1925, and on the cutting edge of the booming movie business. Sound was ushered in in about 1928, along with air conditioning in 1939, once again a place for magical sights, sounds, and smells. 
Additional notes:
* Montgomery Ward store was a big deal, with three floors and a basement full of just about everything from auto supplies to clothing, to appliances and furniture. Equal to Sears, this was a favorite of many of our rural residents, who would come to Newark on a Saturday night and purchase their supplies for the entire week.
* Schulz Furniture & Undertaking started in a house at that location. Two major additions covered the front of the home. The house can still be viewed from the alley behind the store.
* The Home Dairy Cafeteria & Bakery was part of a small chain. Newark's Home Dairy was a favorite of visitors to the Jackson & Perkins Rose Gardens and Commercial Building employees.
* The Capitol Theater building housed some small offices upstairs, a jewelry store (Hayden's Jewelers) and Soda/Candy store (Baltzels) on the street level.


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1 Comment to "Newark's South Main St. - Long Ago"

  1. Unknown Said,

    Favorite cookie ice box wish iihad the recipe

    Posted on Sat Jun 29, 12:34:00 PM EDT


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