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It's Not Too Late to Register to Vote!


1. The deadline to register to vote is October 10th.

2. You can register in person at your county's board of elections office. Find your location here: http://www.elections.ny.gov/VotingRegister.html

3. To register by mail, print this form and mail it to your county board of elections.

4. The deadline to apply for an Absentee Ballot is October 28th

5. To apply for an Absentee Ballot you can print an application here and mail it to your board of elections no later than October 28th or in person by November 3rd.

6. Once the board receives your application, a ballot will be mailed to you. Fill it out and return it to the board.

7. If you cannot pick up you ballot, or will not be able to receive it through the mail, you have the right to designate someone to pick it up for you. Only that person designated on your application may pick up and deliver your ballot.

Every vote counts, and if we're going to make Newark great again, we need you!

If you have any questions about registering to vote or voting by absentee ballot, please contact me directly at jzornow001@rochester.rr.com
Image result for flag
John Zornow-Candidate for Newark Mayor
Robert Bendix- Candidate for Trustee
Stuart Blodgett- Candidate for Trustee


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