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Towpath Volunteers News October is recruitment month for the Towpath Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps. This is the perfect time to become part of this volunteer group. Learn to play the fife or drum. No experience is necessary. All ages are welcome. Free music lessons. Practices are held Wednesday evenings at the Macedon Intermediate School cafeteria. Beginner lessons start at 6:30 PM. Mark your calendars for the Annual Autumn Dinner Dance which will be held on Saturday November 15th at the Moose Lodge in Palmyra. There will be a Buffet Dinner complete with Appetizers and Desserts, Door Prizes, Chinese Auction, Silent Auction and more. Tickets are $20 per person and can be purchased from any member, or call 986-2632. Proceeds will benefit the 2015 World Fife and Drum Festival. www.towpathvolunteers.org


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